Masoume Mansoori, student from Amir Kabir University, has beendetained on 25 October while a collecting her fathers belongings fromthe public prosecutors' office.Mr. Mansoori had been arrested for ambiguous reasons previously in September.The Mansoori family had approached the Court to inquire about thewhere about of Mr. Mansoori , but had been threatened to be detained.The Iranian Intelligence Ministry had previously telephoned theMansoori family a number of times threatening them to either stopfollowing up Mr. Mansooris' situation or face detention. They werealso threatened not to discuss his arrest with the media.Miss Mansoori had been called 14 days prior to her disappearance bythe Ministry and was threatened not to participate in anydemonstration.Student sources have said her detention has to do with her activitiesin the recent demonstrations.After Miss Mansooris' detention, the Minsitry also called her brotherand told him not to contact anyone about her arrest.They are forced not to ask for the renowned layer Mr.AbdolfattahSoltani , to take-up Mr.Mansooris case.Ten days have passed since the arrest of Miss Mansoori , during whichshe is prevented from contacting her family.Miss Mansoori is suffering from nervous predicaments and her closerelatives have expressed concern over her situation emphasizing thatdiscontinuation of her medical treatment would have grave consequencesfor her.
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