Tuesday, 31 July 2007

international students campaign



It was Dec 12, 2006, the famous “Student Day” in Iran. On 16th Azar Street, adjacent to Tehran University, slogans like down with the dictator, down with the fascist president, or “Socialism or Barbarism?” and “Viva Liberty and Equality” could be heard. Later on, on May 1rst, 2007, in a huge unified demonstration, workers expressed their humanistic demands by opposing the segregating social and economical laws of the Islamic Republic with the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Worker’s governorship”. Women have been fighting the sexual apartheid imposed by the Islamic government since long time ago.Students have been supporting workers and women and on March 8th and May 1rst, have clearly shown their position against the Islamic Republic.Currently, the harsh and anti-human behavior of the Islamic Republic has left many students, women and workers imprisoned and under the worst psychological and corporeal tortures. This government executes people in groups and in a medieval fashion; Aggresses the boundaries of the private life of individuals and stone them to death for having extramarital relationship; Applies bullying policies in the region and invites economical embargo against the country, and orders all sorts of rationing on daily necessaries of Iranians.
In an attempt to raise international awareness and support, a group of students, women and workers of Iran have asked for the nullification of stoning, execution and Hijab. Their slogans (Polytechnic students’ slogans) were as follows: Down with the dictator; Student will die but will never accept repression; Workers, Teachers, Unity, Unity; Laws of sexual apartheid should be nullified.Citizens are against aggression to social rights and liberties. They are against militarization of cities under the pretext of fight against thieves and delinquents. People want all the imprisoned students, political prisoners, social activists and workers to be freed from the prisons of the regime including Mahmood Salehi, Mansoor Osanloo and all the women who are thrown into the dungeons of this regime for fighting for their legitimate human rights

Petition In Manitoba in front of the reactionary of eslamic republic

Dear Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,I am writing on behalf of over 22,000 students at the University of Manitoba regarding the treatment and safety of students in Iran , in particular the arrests of Ehsan Masonry, Ahmad Ghasaban, Majid Sheikhpoor, Majid Tavakoli, Meghdad khalilpoor, and Pouyan Mahmodian. Babak Zamanian.The University of Manitoba Students ’ Union (UMSU) condemns the actions of Iranian Authorities against Iranian students. UMSU condemns the violent actions taken by Iranian Authorities which includes the kidnappings and torture of the students detained. Further, the detention of students involved in the peaceful public demonstration, is unjustified and reprehensible.The University of Manitoba Students ’ Union calls upon the Iranian Government to allow the students immediate access to medical treatment outside of prison, access to family and given access to alawyer . We also urge the Iranian Government to order a judicial review of this case and to release the students immediately and unconditionally if the review finds that they were imprisoned solely on the expression of their held beliefs.The mistreatment of students for standing up for their rights does not go unnoticed by the international community, and I urge you to follow international standards and end the persecution of students and activists.I look forward to you earliest response and immediate action to address the above concerns. Furthermore, I look forward to hearing about the immediate release of the students.Thank you,Sincerely,Garry SranPresident University of Manitoba Students’ UnionLocal 103 Canadian Federation of Students


Families claim Iranian student activists were tortured in prisonRobert Tait in TehranFriday July 27, 2007The GuardianFears that Iran is systematically mistreating political prisoners and dissidents have been further fuelled after the parents of three detained student activists claimed their sons had been tortured.In a letter to the country's judiciary chief, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, the parents alleged that the students have suffered physical and psychological abuses since being incarcerated in Tehran's Evin prison in May.The students - Majid Tavakoli, Ahmad Ghasaban and Ehsan Mansouri - were among eight from Amir Kabir University arrested for allegedly publishing anti-Islamic articles. The arrests followed a series of crackdowns on activists at the university, where students staged angry protests last December against president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

international students campaign

Iranilaiset opiskelijat ovat osa taisteluryhm䤠jotka puolustavat ihmis oikeetta,demokratiaa islamin tasavaltaa vastaan.opiskelijat haluavat muuteksia yliopiston aluelle.he haluavat muuteksia islamintasavataan ja haluavat tilalle demokratiaa.varsinkin naisten ja ty?sten edun puolesta .opiskelijat haluavat perustaa yhteismielisyyden hallituksen kanssa.Islamintasavalta perustuu ep䩮himmillisest䠰olitykasta.Tehranin Polyteknillisen yliopiston opiskelijat ovat tehneet aktyvisesti foit䠯piskelijatten p䩶䮤 16 azar 20azar Polyteknillisessa yliopistossa opiskelijat ovat osoittaneet mielt䤮.presidentti AHMADI NEJAD ia vastaan,seuraavilla iskulauseilla kvolemaa diktaattorille ja fasistille."Polyteknillien yliopisto ei ole sinun paikkasi Ahmadi nejad."opiskelijat halusivat kertea maailmalle ett䠨e ovat tukena nytten naisten ja ty?sten puolella jotka ovat hallitusta vastaan.hallituksen alaiset (Pastar) ovat tehneet nytten 9 opiskelijoittenvasttan vaarennettyj䠰olyttisia julesteita,joitten perusteella nam䠹 opiskelijaa on pid䴥tty.he ovat nyt vankila Evinin osasto 209:lla he ovat rankan kidutuksen alaisena.vankilassa olern en opiskelijoitten nimet ovat seuraavat.Ahmad Ghassaban.Meghdad Khalilpour,Majid Sheikhpour,Majid Tavakoli ,Pooyan Mohammadian,Ehsan Mansouri,Abbas Hakimzadeh,Ali Saberi,Keivan Ansari.T䬬䨥tkella opiskelijat joka puoella maailmaa pyyt䶤t yhteisty?ja tukea kansainv䬩 sest䩨misoikeudesta ja muilta polyttisilta hen kil䬴䮨e haluavat kirjallisen pyynn?ossa mainitaan opiskelijoitten vapauttamisesta.samalla tavalla kuin opiskelija Mahmud Salehi mansur osanlu.